Dr Eamonn Butler / Institute of Economic Affairs

Foundations of a Free Society argues that freedom is the driving force behind prosperity, innovation, and wealth creation. Free societies are more economically equal, with the poor benefiting the most from economic dynamism. Government’s role is limited to enforcing justice, ensuring equality under the law, and protecting peaceful cooperation. Attempts to equalize wealth through government intervention harm incentives and productivity. The book emphasizes the importance of tolerance, free expression, and open communication in fostering progress, while highlighting the global spread of freedom through trade and technology.

English / Arabic / Armenian / Chichewa / Farsi / French / Greek / Hausa / Kiswahili / Korean / Malayalam / Nepalese / Spanish / Turkish / Ukranian
Dr Eamonn Butler / Institute of Economic Affairs

An Introduction to Economic Inequality challenges the prevailing narrative on inequality, arguing that common statistics are misleading and overlook key factors like lifetime earnings and non-financial benefits of work. It critiques redistribution policies, highlighting their contradictions and unintended consequences, and instead advocates for market-driven prosperity to improve overall well-being.

English / Bosnian / Korean / Arabic / Urdu / Italian / Turkish / Nepali / French / Dari

An Introduction to Trade and Globalisation

Dr Eamonn Butler / Institute of Economic Affairs

An Introduction to Trade & Globalisation explores the benefits and challenges of international trade, highlighting its role in global prosperity and cooperation. It examines concerns about job losses and security while explaining the economic and political dynamics of trade. This primer offers a clear, insightful introduction to one of today’s most vital issues.

English / Korean / Turkish / Nepali / French / Dari / Swahili

An Introduction to Democracy

Dr Eamonn Butler / Institute of Economic Affairs

An Introduction to Democracy explores the meaning, history, and challenges of democracy, distinguishing genuine democratic systems from flawed imitations. It examines democracy’s benefits, common misconceptions, and the reasons behind growing disillusionment with politics. This primer offers a clear and engaging guide to understanding and protecting democratic principles in today’s world.

English / Korean / Arabic / French / Farsi / Swahili